Our Clients -->>Al Al-Bait University

Al Al-Bait University:

1- Magix XRF:

PANalytical WDXRF spectrometers: the PW1400 series of the 1970s and 80s and more recently the MagiX and MagiX PRO series with the largest installed base of any WDXRF instrument.

Magix innovations include sophisticated counting electronics, the fastest and most accurate goniometer, unmatched sensitivity, and the best fundamental parameters software package available




2- Xpert Pro XRD

The X'Pert PRO MPD is the multi-purpose X-ray diffraction system for the analytical laboratories in universities and industry. It is the ideal system for demanding environments where different people with different samples are performing different types of analysis.


3-Quanta 600 SEM

The Quanta line of scanning electron microscopes  are versatile, high-performance instruments with three modes (high vacuum, low vacuum and ESEM) to accommodate the widest range of samples of any SEM system. All the Quanta SEM systems can be equipped with analytical systems, such as energy dispersive spectrometer, wavelength dispersive x-ray spectroscopy and electron backscatter diffraction.




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